An excellent way to get the details out for your special event or date is by a simple website. A small temporary site, sometimes called a microsite can give venue and date details, accept registrations, show photos, or display tweets form the site owner in the days leading up to the event.
Temporary Websites
Weddings, Parties, Launches
Let you guests know the details of your special event in a an exciting medium that they can pull up anytime on their phone or desktop. We’ll use photos, interactive maps, countdown, and a stylish design to showcase your special event. Launching a new website and still using your domain registrar’s default park page? Let’s put up a temporary page to let them know that something excellent is brewing and to come back on the launch date.
Time Sensitive Campaigns
Even if the cause has a timer on it, you can broaden your reach with a microsite. Give your audience the information they need to influence change or take action, and optionally collect their email address so that you can keep them at the forefront of the issues.
Call Users to Action
Collect signatures, educate on an important topic, and incite users to find out more. Use a microsite to rally around your cause and post updates up until the important dates.
Sprise Media can create a cost-effective microsite for your next campaign or event. Contact us now to get started on your web design project.